Thursday, September 28, 2006

Progress is slow

Just when I'm getting inspired to do some sewing, Real Life takes over and I'm exhausted. I knew work was going to be pretty insane at this time, but the reality of it is of course totally different. I did get what I had aimed to do done today, so hopefully after next week things start to slow down. It will be nice to get back to a normal pace at work!

I look forward to those cookies and brownies Mel :o) It's a good thing clothing in the Regency was quite forgiving! As soon as I have something to show I will post some photos. Meanwhile, I am going to do some dishes and get ready for Saturday's Tupperware party, my other distraction. At least I have decided I am NOT going to work on Sunday, so I might get some cutting, and even sewing done then.

By the way Mel, I think this could be a good time for you to start learning to sew. It will be so much fun if we both get to sit around making dresses - I'll do the first one, but I hope you do get inspired!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Well I am the other half of this project. I am the one that doesn't really know how to use a sewing machine thus leaving the sewing up to Jodes. I will help as much as I can though. Might even use this as a stepping stone to actually figuring out how to sew. I do cross-stitch and other embroidery.

If not I will lend my support by making cookies, brownies, anything else Jodes may desire. Of course too much of that sort of thing and the dresses will be too small when they are finished ;0)


Monday, September 25, 2006

A clean gown has not five minutes' wear in an open carriage

This blog is going to document the journey my cousin and dear friend take as we create ourselves a regency dress. Last night I cut out the paper pattern, and tonight I managed to find the piece of fabric I will use for my test run. I am hoping tomorrow I will manage to get the fabric cut out so I can start sewing it up.

Today we also set a deadline - Jane Austen's birthday in December. I am the one doing most of the sewing, Mel has volunteered ;o) to feed me while I'm sewing the real thing. She also, by default, gets to assist in the fitting of my dress.